gljakal's To Do

For developers

Gljakal's To Do is expandable using its own plugin system.
With plugins you can add a whole new set of functionality to your ToDo list: functions like automatic backups, custom imports and exports are easily handled by the plugin system.
You can also add custom controls in the ToDo window and new windows to manage everything you need to!

What do I need in order to develop a plugin?

The first thing you'll need is a good understanding of c# and the .net framework in order to develop a plugin for ToDo.
You will also need a .net 1.1 editor and compiler in order to develop a plugin, such as Microsoft Visual studio 2003 or SharpDevelop, version 1.1(free).
And of course, a lot of time and patience!

Important: Plugins must be compiled agains the Microsoft .Net Framework version 1.1 in order to work correctly.

More information

Gljakal's To Do


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